Saturday, October 8, 2016

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

In a world filled with different social classes and values, Louis Vuitton does a brilliant job targeting all of these groups. Like mentioned in the mission statement  section, Vuitton's products notoriously represent wealth and luxury. The wealthy want Vuitton in order to differentiate themselves from the lower classes, while the less wealthy want Vuitton to feel like they have achieved what the wealthy has. When purchasing a Louis Vuitton product, consumers are driven by social factors, cultural factors, psychological factors and individual factors. The external stimulus of the consumers comes from a wide range of factors such as the continuous innovation of the products. Louis Vuitton has added ready to wear line, fine jewelry, watches and shoes to its collections. Along with the innovation of the products the company has adopted the new technology. The Mon Monogram application allows the consumers to customize their products. Louis Vuitton advertises its products
through multiple channels, from print advertising to commercials, billboards, magazines and social media. The nonmarketing-controlled information source comes from hundreds of blogs, and review websites where people talk about the brand, lifestyle-related posts help associate Louis Vuitton with elite culture are successful in driving purchase discussion. When considering of purchasing a LV's bag the consumer is affected by conscious motives such as the high quality of the product that performs well, friends, colleagues or acquaintances
that already have a LV's bag, and limited edition make it more fashionable. 

I would say that the majority of Louis Vuitton's consumers are those that feel Vuitton will enhance their ideal self- image. Although there is a small percentage that buys Vuitton products like luggage and clothing  that lack monograms and extensive design because they are of the utmost quality. To them, the products are a smart investment that will serve to assist in their travels and wardrobes.
Overall I feel the decision-making process for Vuitton mostly entails want. Price is secondary to the initial desire for the product. Most consumers will find a way to save and purchase if the yearning for a higher self- image is present.

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